BnB Healing Ministry
Providing a safe place for inner growth and healing.
Counseling, Debriefing, Writing, and Speaking
Honoring Jesus as Master Healer
A guided retreat consisting of 5 sessions to unpack stressors in personal life or ministry for Christian missionaries or pastors. Available for locals without a BnB stay, or with a 5-night reservation at the BnB. Click here to learn more.

Pastoral Counseling and Prayer Ministry

Struggling in a relationship?
Overwhelming issues at home/ work/ school?
Feeling deep loss or regret?
Trying to shake an addiction?
Difficult circumstances have you puzzled, fearful or defeated?
From time to time, we all face tough problems and feel overwhelmed with circumstances of life. The path to spiritual, emotional and physical wholeness often requires a change in thinking. Finding out what to change, and how to change, can at times be overwhelming and takes the support and encouragement of another caring person. If you sense this need, don’t put it off any longer. Seek help BEFORE things become more serious. If not here, seek help somewhere.
For those who wish to respond to life’s hurts from a Christian perspective, Dr. Ed Hersh is ready to help. With a professional, nonclinical approach, Dr. Hersh does not diagnose with mental health labels, but utilizes transformational healing principles to encourage change from the inside out. Most physical and behavioral problems have spiritual roots, which becomes the focus for making the way for healing. Insurance plans usually do not cover these services that Ed offers on a donation basis (a suggested amount of $50 per session).
Phone 717-872-1192 to make an appointment. Or email to inquire about scheduling.
If you are not local to Lancaster, Pa, consider visiting us with a stay at our Blue Rock BnB. If you wish to schedule an appointment for counseling, make sure to mention this at reservation time.
Books Authored
PACE to Peace: Finding Inner Rest in a World of Unrest
Escaping the Pain of Offense: Empowered to Forgive from the Heart
Refuge Blog
Check out Ed Hersh’s Refuge Blog for inspiring articles, and spiritual food to help the reader on their transformational journey.
Lodging Accommodations
Plan time away to retreat, relax or renew at thBlue Rock BnB. If desired, a BnB stay can be combined with scheduling a session or two with Ed Hersh for marriage enrigchment, vow renewal, counseling, healing prayer ministry, coaching, or relationship tune-up.

Get to Know Ed Hersh

Ed Hersh earned his M.A. in Human Service Counseling from Regent University School of Psychology and Counseling in 2001. He completed a Doctor of Religious Studies program with concentration in Conflict Management at Trinity Seminary. Dr. Hersh has completed advanced level training in healing prayer ministry. As an ordained minister and licensed by the Church, he provides pastoral counseling services to individuals and families. Pastor Ed also provides training for prayer counseling ministry. Dr. Hersh is a certified counselor through the BCPPC.
Ed and his wife Stephanie (married since 1980) are parents of four children and their family is growing with grandchildren. They are innkeepers at Blue Rock Bed and Breakfast, hosting travelers and optional counseling and healing ministry. They are active in community service and church. Together they have been active in pro-life leadership, helping women choosing alternatives to abortion and post abortion counseling. Together they co-founded and directed a ministry to encourage youth to choose chastity. Ed has been part of a team of spiritual care providers working together with a medical doctor to provide mental health and addictions treatment. Called the Refuge of Healing and Hope, this project sought to help participants find healing for the whole person.
Currently, I continue the writing with the Refuge blog. Most of our ministry centers around the BnB activity. We are trying to slow the pace a bit, but still try to serve where we can and help as many people as we can along the way.
Memberships include: |
Board Certified Christian Counselor (BCCC) through the BCPPC American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) Christian Association for Phychological Studies (CAPS) Mental Health Association of Lancaster County HarvestNet (local network of churches and ministries) |