Innkeepers Ed and Stephanie Hersh have lived in Millersville most of their lives. They have been active in various community organizations and active in local church ministry in various capacities. Both Ed and Stephanie grew up on farms in the neighboring York and Dauphin counties (with PA German heritage), met at Millersville University, and married in 1980. 

After teaching Special Education for six years in Lancaster schools, Stephanie became a stay-at-home mom with the birth of their first child and home-educated their four children. She enjoys being a grandmother and serves as a substitute teacher in the public schools. She traveled to China in 1996 to adopt their youngest child. She also enjoys gardening, cooking, camping, and crafts. 

Ed grew up in neighboring York County, PA. He earned two bachelor’s degrees from Millersville University. The first in German and then in Computer Science. He traveled and studied in Marburg Germany during his junior year at MU. He later worked in software development for ten years at MU. In 2001 Ed completed a Master’s degree in Human Service Counseling at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA. In 2010 he completed a Doctor of Religious Studies degree from Trinity Theological Seminary. Vocationally, besides innkeeping, Ed divides his time between pastoral counseling and volunteering in the community. Ed enjoys playing guitar, listening to worship music, reading, writing, and studying international cultures. He has authored two books and blogs regularly on topics of inner transformation at:

Photo of Ed and Stephanie Hersh from the shoulders up

As a nationally certified Christian counselor, Dr. Hersh also offers optional counseling and prayer ministry for guests at the B&B. For availability and scheduling purposes, please inquire about this at reservation time. Tools for Christian leaders are also available for empowering and equipping for greater ministry. Inquire about Le Rucher model debriefing. Missionaries and pastors may apply for rate discounts up to 50%. Ed is also a member of HarvestNet International.

Buying or selling property in PA? We can recommend the best realtor for you! Jesse Hersh, 717-475-0378; www: , .

Congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers on their many Super Bowl championships!!!