Healing-Care Counseling

Counseling Services
Who is HCC?
Contact Us
Ed's Blog on Healing
Book to Help You Forgive
Retreat and Renewal
Missionary Debriefing
Bed and Breakfast
God Loves You

BnB Healing Ministry

Transformational Healing - Counseling / Debriefing / Training

A safe place for healing and personal growth

Debriefing for Christian Missionaries and Pastors

Seeking help with life hurts or conflict?

Need to get away for renewal?

Blog on Refuge

Who is HCC?

Contact us

Book - PACE to Peace:
Finding Inner Rest in a World of Unrest

book front cover

Book - Escaping the Pain of Offense:
Empowered to Forgive from the Heart

book front cover

Our mission is dedicated to strengthening personal, spiritual, and relational health through Christian non-clinical professional counseling and training services. We provide a confidential, safe, and supportive environment to assist people in healing, renewing, and growing the inner person. We offer:
Christian Counseling & Prayer Ministry
Leadership Training and Retreats
Pastoral Leader and Missionary Debriefing

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View Edward Hersh, DRS, MA's profile on LinkedIn

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All care-giving services are based upon distinctively Christian principles, however sensitivity is shown to those not embracing these principles. Persons of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome. Healing prayer ministry particularly helps persons experiencing mental or emotional distress, however everyone can benefit from this treatment. Click the 'counseling service' link for more details.

View My Profile on Christian Counselor Directory

Dr. Ed Hersh is also affiliated with the following: HarvestNet International , Le Rucher Ministries , American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) , Christian Association of Psychological Studies (CAPS) , Trinity Theological Seminary , Regent University , Millersville University

Counseling Service | Who is HCC | Contact Us | Ed's Blog on Healing | Retreat & Renewal
Blue Rock Bed & Breakfast
God Loves You

Page prepared by Edward Hersh. c2002-present. Send comments to: Edward Hersh

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